Dear friends in Oregon, you may view your portraits here. Thanks for being kind enough as to let me create a portrait of you!
Eureka, California
To view photos from Eureka California, please visit the Eureka Neighbors photos gallery. Loved that town. I did have a some car trouble though. A fuel line sprang a leak. Had to have the hose replaced - the line below was the one that went out. Nice to have some help from a friendly mobile mechanic.
New Orleans to Memphis
To view the images that were shot in May 2016 in and around either New Orleans or Memphis, you may view your images here:
San Diego, Chicano Park Photos
To view the photos from the 2016 Chicano Park Festival, please click here:
April 2016 - Washington DC/Virginia/Maryland Photos
To view photos from this segment of the Neighbors project, please click on this link.